LIVE from Takeoff Terminal Studios!!!

As a result of CoVid-19, and the state RE-CLOSING ALL of the bars, our Austin artists have no place to perform and/or make money performing. We at Takeoff Terminal Studios, want to help…

We are offering a way for you, and/or your band to perform, LIVE, (we’ll also multi-track record your performance) and have your set broadcasted LIVE to your fans, via your favorite Social Media site(s).

We’ll even add a “tip jar” for you, so y’all can receive all (100%) of the tips that come in during your LIVE performance.

And once your performance is done, we can give u a FULLY mixed/mastered version of your performance (and a video copy of it, as well), that y’all can now add as another piece of merch that y’all can sell…

“LIVE from Takeoff Terminal Studios” LIVE Performance EP!!!

Just send us an email, through our “Contact” tab, or call (612) 986-8474 for more info!!