How Do U Define Success?


Sometimes I wonder, "After 28 years in this crazy industry, have I already reached my peak, and am I now on the downside of my career?"

Lord, I hope not, but if I am, It's been one HELLUVA ride!!!

It begs the question of how one defines success.  There's the OBVIOUS markers of fame, industry awards, and financial compensation.  But how about feeling success from the the INSIDE out. i.e. Do u feel fulfilled on the inside, where it REALLY matters...  How do u feel there?

Over the years, I've come to realize that I LOVE to teach, particularly, children, and specifically music, recording, technology, creative writing, choir.... anything creative.... I found it REALLY fulfills me, and satisfies my desire of legacy.... the impact I will leave after I'm LONG gone...  Maybe some of y'all reading this in your 20's or 30's may not understand, but once u reach your 50's, like me, this aspect of your life will become VERY important.

In 1996, while still living in Minneapolis (and working as a "freelance recording engineer"), I started a nonprofit organization called, "Music Against Violence."  The idea was to work with "gang bangers," still in high school, who had been kicked out of every school available to them, and who had a desire (and talent) for music, that no one else wanted to deal with.  I also needed the 501c3 status of my organization, to become eligible for the MANY grants that were available for an organization like mine.  So I may have started the NPO under a "slightly" selfish pretense, (I REALLY wanted money to upgrade/add to the equipment of my own, personal recording studio...), but to say that the experience changed my heart is an UNDERSTATEMENT of epic proportion!

I felt I was having a positive impact on some of these forgotten young (mostly) men.  I could tell I was "reaching" some by the "twinkle" in their eye, as they learned something in the studio, and it finally "clicked" in their mind.  Or the look on their faces, after hearing their completed songs for the first time, after mixing, and mastering.... the pride they displayed, after the positive reinforcement they received for their work (in some cases, for the FIRST time in their young lives), from their peers (some of whom were from rival gangs...).

We started to use their desire to continue to write, record, and produce music, as a "carrot" to get them back into "mainstream" schools.  If they could maintain their attendance, and at least a 2.0 GPA, they would continue to be eligible to record their songs at my studio. This worked wonders for their attendance, grades, and behavior, and the teachers were very pleased with their progress.  This project was VERY special to me, and the model is still being used to this day.

I call that success...

I've been nominated for a few awards (but haven't won any...... YET), and I have met and worked with some AMAZING artists (see my "Gallery"), and have even made an "above average" salary (some years were WAAAAYY above average....Lol) for the last several years.  But to me, NOTHING compares to when I get to work with the young, and teach them something creative.

That's what fulfills me, that's what motivates me, THAT IS WHAT WILL BE MY LEGACY!

And because of that feeling I get from teaching, and I get paid to do it.... I AM successful.... even if it is only in MY mind...

Jake B Nimble

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